Frequently Asked Questions

What are the school hours?
o For all ages, school hours are 9-3.

What age classes will you have this school year?
o We will have a 2-3 year old class and a 4-6 year old class.

Where will the school be located?
o Answer coming soon!!!

Will there be bussing?
o We are not offering bussing at this time.

Will there be school lunches?
o Children will bring their lunches from home. Snacks will be provided.
o Plans for a lunch program are in the works for the future.

Is the school co-ed?
o Yes.

If a child needs support services (speech therapy, for example) how will the school handle that?
o Children’s needs will be handled on an individual basis. If it makes sense for the child and family to have services at school, we will accommodate that for the family.
o There will not be special education support staff on site.

How are behavioral issues going to be handled?
o We will be using a program called Positive Discipline. This program helps teachers and parents understand child development and respond to children’s behavior in a way that helps the child learn self-regulation.(

o Teachers, administrators and parents will collaborate to ensure that the child is getting what they need to be successful.

What will the curriculum look like as children get older?
o Children will still be engaged in project-based learning. Those projects will integrate all of the academic areas as well as the arts.
o Specific academic skills will also be taught so that children can use them in a real world context. For example, children might create a fundraiser as part of their work in the community. Budgeting and math skills will be taught within that context.
o Children will be offered opportunities to develop life skills like public speaking, entrepreneurship, and community service.